Initial Character Sketches

We have the pleasure of having Claire Keller here on our tiny team as our Concept Artist, Sprite Artist, and possibly CGs. I was thrilled to meet Claire here in the community, and so far her work has only fueled my excitement for this project. Here are a few samples of the characters below for your viewing pleasure. 

Claire captured Edith Victoria beautifully in this sketch. It wasn't her first attempt, but with a few alterations to her eyes and eyebrows we were set! I wrote Edith as an exploration exercise for a strong, complex, and deep female protagonist. The biggest challenge so far is to put enough character in her, despite the fact that she's the reader's avatar!

Alan Arius took a bit more tries to get right, though it only involved his hair and jawline. I wanted to portray him as a sensitive and gentle young man with some similarities to Winnie the Pooh's Piglet.

Thomas Rayner came out perfectly. The only addition was a splash of freckles for this gem. Claire was pretty much spot-on with his character design.

We were doing great 3/4 of the way, but Gilbert Nathaniel was our speed bump. My day job consists of interacting with young adult students from all over the world, and I wanted a positive and strong character that just happens to look a little like them. Gilbert's design may change from this post, since we haven't settled on it just yet. All I know for sure is that the people of the east have been subjugated to colonization, so I pulled some real-world referencing to our lore.

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